Thursday, July 24, 2008

my country - my iONE BY ONE,


INDIA is largest democracy in the world ,one of the oldest civilizations in world were practiced in India only, even now India. ,s economic progress is considered among the fast growing economies in the world, despite all this we are considered a poor nation in the world, why? Reasons are many ,I will try a few ,

One of the major set back in India.s progress is it.s rapidly increasing population, as per latest estimates we are about 130 carores , only second to china in the world, is not it an alarming situation? We must act now before it is too late to recover, it is not that population can not be controlled in India, no we can do it, we have to act with determination , like our neighbour china did and did it in a considerably shorter period,

We have a large illeterate population 70 percent living in villages even after more than half a century our successive governments are not sincere in their efforts to control ever growing population. Year after year ,health and family welfare programmes of our governments are just for name sake some of these programmes. Sometimes run on paper only, over and above.beneficeariesof these programmes are not the poorest in 90 percent cases, hard earned money of tax payers goes in drain or indirectly in the pocket of middle men,.hence net result is hardly 05 percent,

Now question arises.then how can we overcome this situation? Yes we can , younger generation will have to come forward to change the scene, we have to act with determination and sense of responsibility, this is my country and I must work for it, I must work for millionsof poor people those are waiting for my help , I have no doubts .what.sever, that if we start working .keeping an eye on the poorest we will succeed, for this we we have to compel our representatives in government machinery to listen to the majorityand act for the betterment, ofcourse it is not so easy than said but it is not impossible also,

On government .s part funds for population control and family welfare programmes must be increased drastically and responsibilities must be fixed for implementing these programmes, erring officials and workers should be punished financially and career linked punishments should be awarded to those found guilty, our vast network of railways and public transport system should be used to give clear message of advantages and disadvantages of small family through display ads and display boards, now a days a very few display boards in a very few cities. Forget about villages where it is needed most , I agree that our illerate population in villages will not understand easily the concept of small family but we must make our sincere efforts through folk songs, through street plays through radio and television and through panchayat programmes to make them understand that it is good for their future, it is good for their children and for society and country as a whole , this will be a tough task but impossible,

Harder part of this programme is still left, we can not succeed in our mission. .till we make them .especially illetrate people to understand the real meaning of VARIS in hindu Indian society and custom of poly marriages in muslim society, for this we should take help from village heads religion heads and all concerned various sect heads to solve tricky problems, initially we may have to confront resistance from them . but we must tell everything about reality of today.s requirements and requirements of the future, the very existence of our civilation will be in danger .if we do.nt act now, I am sure younger generation of India can make this possible,

There are many problems India faces today but we are not afraid of them, we can solve them one by one, we have shown to the world our wits in past and we will show it in future also, we are Indian and India is my country,
Jai bharat



INDIA is largest democracy in the world ,one of the oldest civilizations in world were practiced in India only, even now India. ,s economic progress is considered among the fast growing economies in the world, despite all this we are considered a poor nation in the world, why? Reasons are many ,I will try a few ,

One of the major set back in India.s progress is it.s rapidly increasing population, as per latest estimates we are about 130 carores , only second to china in the world, is not it an alarming situation? We must act now before it is too late to recover, it is not that population can not be controlled in India, no we can do it, we have to act with determination , like our neighbour china did and did it in a considerably shorter period,

We have a large illeterate population 70 percent living in villages even after more than half a century our successive governments are not sincere in their efforts to control ever growing population. Year after year ,health and family welfare programmes of our governments are just for name sake some of these programmes. Sometimes run on paper only, over and above.beneficeariesof these programmes are not the poorest in 90 percent cases, hard earned money of tax payers goes in drain or indirectly in the pocket of middle men,.hence net result is hardly 05 percent,

Now question arises.then how can we overcome this situation? Yes we can , younger generation will have to come forward to change the scene, we have to act with determination and sense of responsibility, this is my country and I must work for it, I must work for millionsof poor people those are waiting for my help , I have no doubts .what.sever, that if we start working .keeping an eye on the poorest we will succeed, for this we we have to compel our representatives in government machinery to listen to the majorityand act for the betterment, ofcourse it is not so easy than said but it is not impossible also,

On government .s part funds for population control and family welfare programmes must be increased drastically and responsibilities must be fixed for implementing these programmes, erring officials and workers should be punished financially and career linked punishments should be awarded to those found guilty, our vast network of railways and public transport system should be used to give clear message of advantages and disadvantages of small family through display ads and display boards, now a days a very few display boards in a very few cities. Forget about villages where it is needed most , I agree that our illerate population in villages will not understand easily the concept of small family but we must make our sincere efforts through folk songs, through street plays through radio and television and through panchayat programmes to make them understand that it is good for their future, it is good for their children and for society and country as a whole , this will be a tough task but impossible,

Harder part of this programme is still left, we can not succeed in our mission. .till we make them .especially illetrate people to understand the real meaning of VARIS in hindu Indian society and custom of poly marriages in muslim society, for this we should take help from village heads religion heads and all concerned various sect heads to solve tricky problems, initially we may have to confront resistance from them . but we must tell everything about reality of today.s requirements and requirements of the future, the very existence of our civilation will be in danger .if we do.nt act now, I am sure younger generation of India can make this possible,

There are many problems India faces today but we are not afraid of them, we can solve them one by one, we have shown to the world our wits in past and we will show it in future also, we are Indian and India is my country,
Jai bharat


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